Alamak Operator Application / DBS-POSB Bank Transfer |
New Accounts or Renewals by Bank Transfer
This form is to Renew existing Operator accounts or apply for a New Operator account by DBS or POSB bank transfer in Singapore. Note this is only valid for those with a DBS or POSB bank account in Singapore, all other customers use either the Credit Card Operator Application or to pay by Cheque, Money Order, or Cash by mail or in person use the Mail Operator Application.
Renewals Challenge Answer Not Required
For Renewal you will be asked for a Challenge Question and Challenge Answer. If you have never had a Challenge Question or Challenge Answer the question will be "my old permanent password?". If you know the Challenge Answer please enter it below, if you do not remember please enter a new Challenge Question and Answer. Once payment is recieved we will renew the account and update your Challenge Question and Answer if enough of your other information matches and the account belongs to you.
New Accounts
For new accounts please enter a Challenge Question and Answer. Set your Challenge Question to help you remember
your Challenge Answer. Do not use something that is easy to guess from the Question. For example 'my mothers maiden name?' and 'smithenson' would be a good Challenge Question/Answer pair but 'the first 3 letters of the alphabet?' 'abc' would be a very bad Challege Question/Answer pair.
Passwords and Security
Do not use passwords like 'love', 'password', 'secret', names, birthdates, or keyboard sequences like '12345' and 'querty' as they are used in cracker databases. Also, sometimes hackers try to pose as Alamak staff or use fake login pages to capture members passwords. Alamak will never email you or ask for passwords. Make sure you are logging into Alamak not a fake look-alike site, don't use the same password on other sites, and please use our secure login.
POSB or DBS Bank Transfer in Singapore
Applicants in Singapore can also pay by internet bank transfer or ATM transfer from DBS or POSB bank accounts and should use this form to get a reference number before making payment.
Account Levels
Account Levels - Renewed accounts are restored with old OPID and Level calculated based on original signup date. Policy may change but currently account level increases even while expired.
How to make Payment
- Complete this form so we can properly identify you as the account owner and get a REFERENCE NUMBER.
- Transfer either by ATM or Internet Bank Transfer to...
- Account Number : DBS Savings Plus 054-5-019798
- For Intenet Banking go to DBS INTERNET BANKING to transfer the funds and enter your Nickname where it asks for YOUR INITIALS. We will usually identify the transaction and add the account within 24 hours, if not you can email dna@dna.per.sg with the Subject "ALAMAK OPS APPLICATION/ RENEWAL" and include the Amount Transferred, Nickname, and REFERENCE NUMBER.
- For ATM transfers first transfer the funds to the above account then email dna@dna.per.sg with the Subject "ALAMAK OPS APPLICATION/ RENEWAL" and include the Amount Transferred, Nickname, and REFERENCE NUMBER. Once we confirm the deposit we will add the account, deposits show up online a few seconds after transfer.
- Include the following in any emails...
- Amount Transferred
- Nickname (in exact caps)
- Your Contact Number (Preferably Cellphone number, In case we need to make further verifications)
We ask Renewals and New account both to fill out this form so we can keep your account information up-to-date and to prevent unauthorized use of accounts.
Nickname - Enter the nickname you would like and check either New, Renew, or Search then [SUBMIT].
Fields with asterisk are required *
** Fields with asterisks before and after must be retyped and match each other **
Please don't forget your Challenge Answer